Transit Time: Est 08 DaysValidity: 01 Jan 2025 TO 31 Jan 2025
MANDATORY: Consignee must have custom clearance at Port of Entry & all formalities completed before shipment can be on carriage to final destination (Only for Tawau & Sandakan). REQUIRES: Fumigation (Normal). HBL MUST INDICATE: Cnee contact number, HS (NCM) 6 digit code for each item ( HS CODE, DESCRIPTION, QUANTITY, GROSS WEIGHT, VOLUME ), Cargo markings ( Nil mark not acceptable on HBL- non compliance will result in penalty). NOT ALLOWED: Hazardous (DG) shpt (inclusive of batteries) to MIRI, Any shipment where consignee does not have valid license or import permits. SUBJECT TO APPROVAL: Freight and additional collect on behalf (Must be stipulated on HBL), hazardous (DG) shpt (inclusive of batteries), Personal effect shpt, dutiable shpt. Strictly not allowed Foodstuff consigned to Private Person. NOTE: Any
additional collection on behalf, where consignee refuses to pay for the additional collection, an amendment fee of USD84 per set (applicable on shippers account (East Malaysia shipments only). All East Malaysia destinations: A cost recovery surcharge (CRC) of MYR 25 RT will be applicable on consignee account for any shipment with 10 cbm and above.